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Almost half way

John Seegers

It has been a few days since I’ve posted anything on my blog. My apologies. It’s just very tedious for me to try to type out everything on a cell phone. I do post photographs every day on my Facebook page Please visit to see some of the pictures I’ve been taking.

I will say this is one of the greatest experiences of my life and I’m really enjoying the trip. Although it is not always easy, it is very rewarding. Rick, Dave and I are getting along pretty good. Although, there are times that we get on each other‘s nerves. I guess it should be expected when you’re with someone so many days in a row.

Dave is doing an excellent job finding places to stay each night. We’re booking two or three days out. Some nights have been a challenge with many facilities sold out, but we haven’t had to sleep in the street yet. Some places are better than others but they are all very accommodating.

We’re getting pretty close to the halfway point of our adventure. At Sahagun we can get a halfway certificate. We can get this at the Santuario de la Virgen Perigrina on the way out of town. We should be through there by Thursday.

Since Sahagun is the half way point, it should be downhill from there, right? Not quite. We will be leaving the flat lands of the Meseta (the plains of Spain) and into the mountains of Galicia with its up and downs. They won’t be as hard as the Pyrenees, but I’m sure they will offer us a challenge. A change from the last few days walking through flat farmland. Most of it cut or plowed under. The scenery is quite similar everywhere you look.

We have formed a Camino family of fellow pilgrims from around the world. We usually walk alone with own own thoughts, but meet up with our special Camino family at little cafés or restaurants when we stop for breaks or dinner. I hope after this we can maintain a lifelong contact them.

One of the great people we walking with is Les. He’s from Great Britain and walking 500 miles to Santiago on behalf of a little girl named Isla suffering from cancer. He set up a gofundme page to help the family cover some of the costs for her care.

Another gentleman we met is Barry. Barry is a publisher and writer. Years ago he started and published a Dutch version of Rolling Stone Magazine. He became quite connected in the music industry, interviewing many stars such as Peter Townsend from The Who. He’s also written some crime novels which unfortunately for me are only in Dutch. I would like to read them.

We have met people of all nationalities - French, German, Dutch, and American, of course. They all have their own stories to tell and their own reasons to walk the Camino.

The weathers getting a little cooler it was 41° when we left this morning. And there has been some talk that once we get into Galicia we may encounter snow. I hope not, this Florida guy does not like snow.

Buen Camino


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